31st December - West Rise Marsh
The highlight was a large flock of LAPWINGS,
around 200 or so, lapping around overhead for many
minutes with a lone GOLDEN PLOVER attached.
There were many more gulls on site than on
previous days, with much higher numbers of
There were at least 5 CASPIANS about today.
30th December - West Rise Marsh
Been quiet these past few days, but nice to be birding under grey skies with no wind or rain. Same again early this morning. I bumped into Al half way round and had a nice walkabout, and we spent much time grilling at least two CASPIAN GULLS, one of which helpfully put down amongst other gulls on the sheep field, a rare event indeed.
Two WATER PIPITS were in the usual place and Al heard BEARDED TITS.
16th December - West Rise Marsh
As was the case yesterday, another very large,
nervous, swarm of gulls on the lake. I must have
missed a few things but there was at least
another CASPIAN there again (a 3rd cycle bird).
Apart from the gulls, though, there aint a lot going
on - just one WATER PIPIT spotted this morning,
a single SNIPE and a solitary ROOK.
15th December - West Rise Marsh
A very large group of restless gulls was out on the lake this morning and it turned out to be CASPIAN GULL galore with (assuming no duplicates) 6 different ones - never seen so many before! Just a few COMMON GULLS were there as well, including this little bunch.
11th December - West Rise Marsh
A surprise to find 7 EGYPTIAN GEESE on the lake early this morning. 29 LAPWINGS flying around were followed shortly after by a solitary calling GOLDEN PLOVER, There were fairly good numbers of GULLS which were particularly nervous and flighty today - this CASPIAN GULL was amongst them.
2 WATER PIPITS (just as nervous and flighty) were in the sheep field south of the Langney Sewer.
9th December - West Rise Marsh
Cloudy early doors with pesky light rain, a strong wind and, briefly, a superb full rainbow. Birds of the day were a pair of BRENT GEESE which made high circuits above the lake, as if thinking about a landing, before moving away north. Other birds included a 1st year YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, a flock of 12 LAPWINGS and 3 MARSH HARRIERS hunting loosely together.
6th December - West Rise Marsh
The GOOSANDER which was hanging around a couple of weeks back (and never really seen well) was there again this morning, flying big circuits around the site before eventually dropping down on the lake near the entrance. Still wary and skittish, though, it didn't stay long before taking off and disappearing.
Very few gulls on the lake today, although there was one MEDITERRANEAN there sporting a full hood.
2nd December - Hampden Park
Exciting times at the park lately: a few days ago I got news
of a GREAT EGRET (mega patch tick) which had been found
coming into roost in the evening with a few LITTLE EGRETS.
My grainy, blurred photos of it are far too embarrasing to
show here, though. And this afternoon an obliging
KINGFISHER was a big surprise, only the second I've seen
here, and apparently far scarcer now since the recent
building of a care-home over the road.
27th November - West Rise Marsh
Terrible weather again this morning, another 'Storm something-or-other' blasting in wind and rain so I just did a short trip to the marsh in the afternoon, under very grey skies, when it had all quietened down a bit.
I've never seen any large STARLING murmurations here before so it was impressive to find a couple of thousand at least all swarming into shapes over Lottbridge Drove. Had great views of a MARSH HARRIER and there was an adult MEDITERRANEAN GULL and this interesting sub-adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULL on the lake.
21st November - West Rise Marsh
A bitter morning with cold winds and snow
tracking slowly down into Sussex from the north.
I managed to get to the lakeside early but didn't
last too long out there before sleet began racing
in which forced an about-turn, the ground turning
rapidly white as I hurried back to the car.
There was enough time, though, to watch the many
gulls, large flocks this morning, all looking
fantastic in the dim silvery-grey light. For once
I managed to find a YELLOW-LEGGED GULL in the
mix (there were at least 4 today) and there were
a couple of adult ARGENTATUS and this super
14th November - West Rise Marsh
Sunrise over the lake this morning...luvely. Not many birds about though generally; all rather quiet and still with just a handful of gulls out there having an early bath. The best thing today was nailing down one of the WATER PIPITS: they're usually the most annoying birds on site, constantly flushing at great distance and going off on long, high, wandering flights before dropping down into more of the same long grasses, never to be properly seen. This morning, though, one flushed and could only manage a feeble short flight to the edge of a pool where it performed marvellously for a very long time!
13th November - West Rise Marsh
A REDSHANK flew over this morning and
yesterday's GREAT EGRET was still present,
favouring the Langney Sewer over the more
open stretches of water.
A couple of WATER PIPITS again in the usual
places, and this CASPIAN GULL on the lake.
12th November - West Rise Marsh
Best bird this morning was probably this GREAT
EGRET which was standing in the sewer by
the entrance gate (and an eagle-eyed reader
may possibly spot a FOX in close proximity, there
in the reeds, looking out).
were out on the lake amongst all the other ducks.
But just the one solitary LAPWING today, and I
could only see 1 CASPIAN GULL in with
the jittery gulls.
11th November - Seaford Head
After the disappointingly brief views of the PIED WHEATEAR yesterday I just had to go back and give it another go today. It was a grim situation early on though, with birders wandering everywhere along the cliffs looking in vain...the bird had apparently gone.
However news came through mid-morning that it had been found again at nearby Splash Point, and here it performed splendidly throughout the afternoon for the many twitchers.
10th November - Seaford Head
OK not strictly Eastbourne, but close: from where I was on the cliffs this morning, trying to see the reported PIED WHEATEAR, I could clearly see Belle Tout out to the east where only days ago I was watching the DESERT WHEATEAR. This bird was much harder to see though, flitting around just below the tops of the high, sheer cliff faces, making it one of the more hazardous of twitches. Some very nice, but annoyingly brief, views.
8th November - West Rise Marsh
Another really good wander around this morning under cold and grey conditions. Yesterday's GOOSANDER (a really good bird here) bombed overhead just after dawn, once again seeming to drop down in one of the sewers rather than the bigger areas of water. A GOLDEN PLOVER flew around and at least two WATER PIPITS were elusive along the Langney Sewer.
A nice pair of BEARDED TITS was at the Lotty Pool, and there were good numbers of GULLS about on the lake, including a YELLOW-LEGGED and 2 CASPIANS.
3rd November - West Rise Marsh
I wasn't expecting a lot today at the Rise but it was an exciting day: it was grey, cold and overcast, excellent light for looking at the gulls on the lake, all quietly bathing, a few COMMON GULLS dropping in amongst them. And after a while I suddenly heard the lazy low grunts of BRENT GEESE which appeared in a huge V shape from the north and flew directly overhead, appearing to swing round to the southwest in the distance towards Beachy Head, a patch tick!
A few SNIPE flushed up from the margins, a single GOLDEN PLOVER meandered high overhead, calling, and a few groups of LAPWING were shifting southwards.
On my way back I flushed a pipit from the long
grass which gave an unfamilar call: I suspected
it was a good one (either a RICHARD'S or
BLYTH'S PIPIT) as it bounded around in the
distance, only appearing slightly bigger than the
few MEADOW PIPITS which flew closely alongside
it for a few moments. An identification debate
ensued amongst the Powers That Be, and the
consensus at the end of the day was that it was in
fact a RICHARD'S and nothing more.
Still, I'll happily take that !
This is the fellow calling:
31st October - Beachy Head
Another morning on the headland with few birds
but there was this rather nice BLACK REDSTART on
the path to Longdown, and 6 HAWFINCHES were
seen quite close to the edge of town: 2 flew
westwards and, about 20 minutes later, 4 flew back
the other way, dropping down and apparently landing
amongst the trees lining Upper Duke's Drive.
25th October - Hampden Park & West Rise Marsh
Went to the park at dawn to see if the Yellow-
browed was still about but no sign - it was far
less birdy today and it looks like the CHIFFCHAFFS
in that section of the park have mostly gone, so
maybe it's moved off with them. Very interesting
to get another flyover HAWFINCH though!
Had a brief wander round the Rise in the late
afternoon - not a lot but there were a couple
of YELLOW-LEGGED GULLS, including this
lovely 2nd year.
24th October - Beachy Head
Did the long walk from the Kiosk up to the headland at Beachy, trundling down the long track to Longdown and on to Belle Tout Wood. Nice to see dribs and drabs of migrating birds on the way including SWALLOWS and HOUSE MARTINS. A HAWFINCH flew over early on and a BLACK REDSTART was near the car park at Heathy Brow.
Deciding to do a rare bit of birding here turned out to be very fortuitous. I was in the wood at Belle Tout watching the many GOLDCRESTS which had apparently fallen in overnight, when I got a phone call from Laurence saying that the recent DESERT WHEATEAR had just been re-found by Simon Linington, only about 200M from where I was sitting...what a result!!!
22nd October - Hampden Park
Fantastic to find, at long last, a YELLOW-BROWED
WARBLER here on the edge of a clearing in a tall
sycamore, yis!
19th October - Hampden Park
Another great patch tick during a midday stroll
after the rains had passed - this HEN HARRIER
migrating high overhead through the clouds
to the northeast.
A TUFTED DUCK was there again on the pond and
small numbers of HOUSE MARTINS were
moving through at great height.
17th October - Hampden Park
With all these YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS around in the UK thought I should give the park a real go - the trees are all orange and looking great for a rare phyllos. But it was not to be...
However a fantastic patch tick this morning with a flyover HAWFINCH, plus a couple of SISKINS and a REDWING. A female TUFTED DUCK was on the pond.
9th October - West Rise Marsh
There were unusually high numbers of LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS gathered in the centre of the lake early morning, up to about 60 I'd say, and almost outnumbering the HERRING GULLS at times. At least one YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was in there as well, along with a CASPIAN GULL.
A CATTLE EGRET on a post behind Lotty Pool was a surprise, as was a lone BLACK-TAILED GODWIT which flew in and appeared to drop in a field somewhere. It was another day for hirundines with large numbers of SWALLOWS and HOUSE MARTINS moving through with just a couple of SAND MARTINS thrown in.
4th October - West Rise Marsh
54 species today at West Rise. Lots of GULLS
were on the lake including the first CASPIAN of
the autumn, a few COMMON and a
SWALLOWS were almost constantly wafting
overhead, and a single WHINCHAT was at the
3rd October - Beachy Head
Excellent weather today for once - blue skies, fluffy clouds and little wind. I had a rare wander around the headland early morning which was teaming with SWALLOWS and MEADOW PIPITS flying past, and dozens of CHIFFCHAFFS were milling along the hedgerows. My first (distant) BRAMBLING of the autumn was heard and a GREY PLOVER flew high overhead, calling four times, although it, too, remained invisible. Along the track down to Longdown was a single WHEATEAR and a couple of obliging STONECHATS.
2nd October - Hampden Park & West Rise Marsh
Early morning in the park was nice but nothing
out of the ordinary - a good number of species
and CHIFFCHAFFS were everywhere.
A short stop at West Rise in the afternoon
produced more ordinary stuff, although great
to see a couple of MEDITERRANEAN GULLS
on the water with the others, long time no see...
24th September - West Rise Marsh
52 species today including a GREAT EGRET, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER, WHINCHAT and, best of all, a rare JAY in a tree by the entrance gate.
17th September - Hampden Park
EVP7 was back again with the other BLACK-HEADED GULLS this morning but bird of the day was a WIGEON swimming around the pond, a patch tick! A smart LESSER WHITETHROAT was near the skate park.
16th August - West Rise Marsh
Birds of the day were a small group of 5
YELLOW WAGTAILS near the buffalo shed,
incredibly the only ones I've seen here all year.
A WHEATEAR was in the same area.
12th August - West Rise Marsh
A few MAGPIES were hitching rides and nibbling away on the backs of sheep this morning. Small numbers of HOUSE MARTINS were clearly migrating overhead, although I could only find one lonely-looking SWIFT. 2 COMMON SANDPIPERS and a GREEN SANDPIPER were flighty around the lake where many GULLS were hanging about, including a YELLOW-LEGGED one.
10th August - Hampden Park
Interesting to see another ringed BLACK-HEADED
GULL this afternoon at the pond. This one is called
EVP7 and has an additional (much smaller)
ring on it's left leg.
6th August - West Rise Marsh
Best bird today was a WOOD SANDPIPER which
called in the distance as I walked through the
entrance gate and, a few seconds later, flew
overhead northeast towards Pevensey.
There were quite a few DUCKS on show including a
group of 14 GADWALL, and LITTLE GREBES
have suddenly appeared again after a very long
absence (2 yesterday and a group of 5 today).
4th August - West Rise Marsh and Hampden Park
Nice walk around the marsh early doors - these 3 CATTLE EGRETS were a surprise, flying northwards in a hurry and showing no signs of landing, and a distant WHEATEAR, the first of the autumn, sat for ages high on a distant pylon and had a good look around.
In the afternoon, at Hampden Park, it was great to find, at last!, a BLACK-HEADED GULL asleep at the duckpond and sporting a ring (CVP7). Will find out soon, hopefully, what it's been up to in life.
24th July - West Rise Marsh
Excellent start to the day with this super PURPLE HERON flying around high over the site looking for somewhere to land, eventually passing quite close, going over the lake and pitching down at Lotty Pool. Visibly nervous and wary, though, it shortly flew off and probably landed again somewhere, but me and Al (who was also there today and saw it) couldn't find it anywhere after that.
2 COMMON SANDPIPERS and a SNIPE were seen, but paled into insignificance...
19th July - West Rise Marsh
DUCK numbers have been slowly edging up recently with handfuls of POCHARD and TUFTED DUCK now on site, and a new arrival this morning was this excellent GARGANEY swimming around in the close company of 3 GADWALL.
18th July - West Rise Marsh
Fantastic views of 2 juvenile BEARDED TITS this
morning as they slowly nibbled their way along
the edges of the dyke behind Lotty Pool.
Another YELLOW-LEGGED GULL was on the lake
and 2 GREEN SANDPIPERS were feeding on a
shallow muddy pool alongside the Langney Sewer,
the only half-decent speck of wader habitat
available these days. Hopefully the levels will drop
soon with the hotter days ahead...
14th July - West Rise Marsh
Excellent views of 3 juvenile BEARDED TITS and a smart-looking MARSH HARRIER briefly circled, the first in a very long while.
A COMMON SANDPIPER flew low across the lake where more and more juvenile gulls are turning up - this morning saw another 2 YELLOW-LEGGED GULLS in the mix.
10th July - West Rise Marsh
Recently BLACK-HEADED GULLS have started
appearing in numbers, flying over westwards
in small groups, and for the second day running
there were one or two MEDITERRANEAN GULLS
sneaking in amongst them.
There were 52 species seen or heard today
including 2 nice juvenile YELLOW-LEGGED
GULLS, loosely together out on the water, and a
close HOBBY.
About 30 or so SAND MARTINS appeared
8th July - West Rise Marsh
48 species today was good going, the best bird
probably a scarce GREENFINCH singing and
songflighting in the northwestern corner.
There was a fairly good number of GULLS, a pair
of POCHARD and a couple of juvenile BEARDED
TITS pinging close in.
3rd July - West Rise Marsh
Very cloudy this morning but quiet and still with not
a puff of wind, luvely.
There's been a dearth of DUCKS over recent weeks
but today a couple of SHOVELAR showed up, along
with a pair of POCHARD and a single GADWALL.
The adult PEREGRINE was perched on his favourite
pylon again (for the third day running) and at least 1
BEARDED TIT was pinging from the reeds.
Best bird today though was this juvenile YELLOW
-LEGGED GULL which, unlike the usual nervous
and flighty gulls in the middle of the lake, was
happy to just stand for ages on Fisherman's Point
and let people and dogs pass closely by.
1st July - West Rise Marsh
A flighty GREEN SANDPIPER was about this morning and a flock of 18 BLACK-TAILED GODWITS flew eastwards over the Sevenoaks Road.
29th June - West Rise Marsh
A briefer-than-usual walk around early this morning: some great SWIFT action with birds coming down low to skim the lake, and this CATTLE EGRET was a surprise, leaping up from the grasses where cattle were grazing.
28th June - West Rise Marsh
Been quiet these past few days but an OYSTERCATCHER
flew in and there were a small number of juvenile
SAND MARTINS flying over the lake.
There were 6 adult GREAT CRESTED GREBES
this morning but none of the pairs has produced
any young so far - I'm thinking maybe that MINK
are to blame?
24th June - West Rise Marsh
The bubbling call of a CURLEW through the early morning mist was a great start to the day. There turned out to be 2 of them, both eventually flying together northwest overhead towards Hampden Park.
21st June - West Rise Marsh
Once again it was all happening at the Lotty Pool: yesterday's GREAT EGRET was still there and performing much better, stomping around and catching numerous tiny fish out at the back of the pool. Maybe the fish were just a bit too tiny, as our bird didn't stay very long and was last seen as a speck flying strongly southwest towards Beachy Head.
And the pair of nesting COOTS nearby had a terrible time - at one point the bird on duty suddenly left the nest, calling in alarm as a MINK swam across the water towards it, hitched up onto the nest and left just as quickly with a stolen egg in it's mouth. I think that nest is doomed...
20th June - West Rise Marsh
This was the view across Lotty Pool this morning where a pair of COOTS has decided to build a nest right in the middle. This is to be their second brood, the first lot as big as the adults now and swimming around near the nest, although apparently not helping out much.
Other good news from here was the sight of a GREAT EGRET flying about and landing in the reeds, out of sight there at the back.
19th June - West Rise Marsh
A nice early morning wander with Al today: as I
walked into the car park a low flying CURLEW went
right over my head, and later we found a family
party of BEARDED TITS and had good views of a
juvenile at Lotty Pool. Another baby bird out and
about was this cute-looking BLACKBIRD, and no
doubt one of it's siblings was hidden close by and
making these unfamilar calls.
11th June - West Rise Marsh
A nice leisurely stroll around early morning - a wonderful lack of wind for once. Nothing exciting to report except for impressive numbers of SWIFTS (easily over 200) zooming around low over the lake and surrounding fields, brushing so close at times that wingbeats were heard. I could only find a single HOUSE MARTIN though.
10th June - West Rise Marsh
A surprise to find the 2 OYSTERCATCHERS there again this afternoon, and great views of a HOBBY hunting insects over Lotty Pool.
30th May - West Rise Marsh
A fantastic morning, finding this super RED-
RUMPED SWALLOW careering low over the lake
amongst a large swarm of SWIFTS and hirundines!
I assumed it would hang around a while but it
unfortunately disappeared after just a few
minutes, drat!
Just enough time, though, to get a photo.
23rd May - Hampden Park & West Rise Marsh
There were two singing FIRECRESTS again in the park this morning and the baby LITTLE EGRETS are finally standing up for themselves and getting bolder. In the afternoon it was pretty quiet at West Rise until I noticed this OSPREY (a much-needed patch tick) circling away to the northeast.
21st May - West Rise March
It was cold, cloudy and grey early this morning out at West Rise before the rain arrived. Fascinating to watch this small tingling pyramid of CANADA GOOSE goslings, all piling up on top of each other in an effort to keep warm. The weather brought down lots of SWIFTS and HOUSE MARTINS which were roaming low around the lake, but the first HOBBY of the year was apparently not interested and dashed straight through.
12th May - Birling Gap
A really good seawatch this morning with POMARINE SKUAS on the move - a total of 15 went through before 09h30, by which time activity had died down and a heat haze was kicking in. 3 BLACK and 6 LITTLE TERNS were spotted in amongst distant packs of COMMIC TERNS scurrying low, and 5 MANX SHEARWATERS were also quite a way offshore.
Star bird though today was arguably Terry the TREE SPARROW, who arrived very recently and was there again this morning with the HOUSE SPARROWS around the cafe - it's a major bird for Beachy.
10th May - West Rise Marsh
47 species this morning on a nice early wander, including these 2 GREENSHANKS which flew around a bit, had a look and carried on by - with the high water levels these days there's little chance waders will land on site. An exception is COMMON SANDPIPER which is always quite happy to run around on the low, grassy banks, and there was a group of 6 such birds today, a record number for me.
Great views of a few BEARDED TITS today, and a singing CUCKOO and LESSER WHITETHROAT were year ticks for West Rise.
9th May - Beachy Head
Not a lot going on out at sea early this morning - like a millpond it was in the windless conditions. A few SCOTER and BAR-TAILED GODWITS were moving though, and a shifting line of 60 godwits, high in the sky, was quite impressive. After that I wandered up the track to Cornish Farm with all its singing SKYLARKS and CORN BUNTINGS. From here this QUAIL, a county first for me, was heard singing briefly in the distance!
8th May - West Rise Marsh
Lots of RED KITES are moving at the moment - there were 9 this afternoon going high to the northeast, and there were at least 14 doing the same yesterday.
30th April - Birling Gap
With the end of that blasted northerly and a shift
to light southeasterlies, and milder, warmer
weather, there were high hopes of a "Pom Day"
today at Birling: but alas it was not to be. Can't
really complain though - there was a handful of
them along the south coast and fortunately one of
those birds, a super pale morph with spoons, was
spotted by Sean on our second seawatch of the day
as it careered around in the distance after a
HERRING GULL. It was pretty good seawatching
with a fair few ARCTIC SKUAS, a GREAT
and no less than 4 GREAT SKUAS (as many as
there were all last spring!).
In the late afternoon a stroll up to Cornish Farm
produced corking views of several singing CORN
29th April - Hampden Park
Grainy record shot here of my first ever GREAT
BLACK-BACKED GULL on site here, a surprise find
on the playing fields in the early morning
before any dogs and dogwalkers arrived.
It was a good morning actually - 43
species seen including my first SWIFT of the year.
There are apparently two REED WARBLERS at the
pond, and a FIRECREST is singing.
19th April - West Rise Marsh
Incredibly another OYSTERCATCHER put in an
appearance this morning (or maybe it was one of
Tuesday's birds?)...it flew in calling and spent an age
flying round and round the lake, low over the water,
looking for somewhere to land.
Around the buffalo shed was a small band of 7
WHEATEARS, sticking very much together, and a
couple of WHINCHATS (my first of the year) were
tagging along.
Surprisingly few hirundines about at the mo (just a
couple of SWALLOWS today).
18th April - West Rise Marsh & Cuckmere Haven
Nice wander around West Rise this morning, although for the second time this week I had the tricky job of avoiding the newly-arrived herd of cows (or are they bulls?) which meanders menacingly all around the marsh. There were 2 smart-looking WHITE WAGTAILS on site, a PEREGRINE sat on its favourite pylon, more groups of MEDITERRANEAN GULLS flying high overhead, and the first HOUSE MARTIN of the year.
Later in the morning I made another failed attempt for the LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER that's still at Cuckmere Haven. In order to avoid parking charges the trip involved parking at Birling and then doing the long, knackering, up-and-down walk along the clifftops...at least the weather was good.
16th April - West Rise Marsh
2 OYSTERCATCHERS on a flooded field were a real surprise this morning (patch tick!). Again, not much on the lake but a distant group of about 25 MEDITERRANEAN GULLS flew northwest, calling en route, and SEDGE and REED WARBLERS were singing.
14th April - Hampden Park
I was there early enough today to get close to two vocal TAWNY OWLS, and at first light a drake MANDARIN was a surprise find on the pond. Bird of the day though was easily this CUCKOO, a patch tick, which called on 3 occasions but remained invisible.
13th April - Beachy Head and Hampden Park
Early morning at Birling Gap proved to be a waste
of time with no wind, and sea like a mill pond. A little
later Whitbread Hollow produced my first
year, and a BLACK REDSTART was singing from the
cliff edge.
During a short walk around the lake at Hampden Park
in the late afternoon, two RED KITES meandered
slowly overhead. LITTLE EGRETS and GREY
HERONS are busy at nests now on the central island.
12th April - West Rise Marsh
There's a different feel to the place right now - there's warmer, drier, weather and an empty look to the lake (almost all the ducks have gone). BUZZARDS are about again, and summer migrants are appearing in dribs and drabs. Today's star birds were this BARNACLE GOOSE (although "plastic" to some I'm having it as a patch tick!) and at least 3 singing SEDGE WARBLERS, just in today from Africa.
Yesterday's 3 WHEATEARS were still there at the buffalo shed, and there were another 4 running about on the fields beyond the Langney Sewer. An invisible REED WARBLER was singing, and a very nice MARSH HARRIER flew low overhead.
10th April - Hankham
Drove the short distance to Hankham near Pevensey this afternoon in search of the reported HOOPOE, which duly obliged in a field not too far from the side of the narrow country road. It seemed very content to be there, feeding for ages in a tiny area of grass, visibly wet with a good supply of worms and grubs which were downed with relish.
23rd March - Hampden Park
No birding really today, but whilst sitting on the
garden step with a mug of tea this smart WILLOW
WARBLER, my first of the year, suddenly popped
up in a nearby bush, in the close company of a
22nd March - West Rise Marsh
The first WHEATEARS of the year were near the buffalo shed this morning, and my first BLACKCAP could be heard tacking at the car park.
21st March - West Rise Marsh
It was cold and misty out at the marsh this afternoon. The first SAND MARTINS of year were racing over the water and flocking up and disappearing for periods in the mist - it was quite difficult to see whether there was just one large group or whether several groups were migrating through. There was a huge group of MEADOW PIPITS over the fields behind Lotty Pool, at least 120 I'd say, all wisping around and never landing. A large number of preening GULLS were settled in a field, including this 2nd cycle YELLOW-LEGGED GULL.
20th March - Cuckmere Haven
I've got this thing about not twitching anymore - what a
waste of time and money! However today, on a wonderously
warm and sunny spring afternoon, I finally cracked and drove
(with Al) the few Kms down the coast for the long-staying
LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER that's been hanging around for last
6 months or so. Unsurprisingly we could not locate the little
blighter, but it was a thoroughly agreable afternoon, and this
distant SPOTTED REDSHANK was a nice find along one of the
muddy creeks.
18th March - Birling Gap & West Rise Marsh
A pretty unproductive seawatch early doors with Richard - just a few small flocks of BRENT GEESE going through, conveniently high up and in lines which made counting easier. One or two RED-THROATED DIVERS also, a few sitting on the sea.
At West Rise later in the afternoon I was happy to see a bunch of 4 BEARDED TITS diving down into reeds, the first I've seen in ages. My first SWALLOW of the year was picked up, racing low over the water.
14th March - Birling Gap
Another seawatch early with Chris, James, Laurence
and Richard. The wind was more southerly than
yesterday and there were far fewer BRENT GEESE
and BLACK-HEADED GULLS on show. They were
still both migrating though, and occasionally the
odd DUCK could be spotted sneaking in with the
geese, like this single GADWALL here.
Unlike yesterday there were plenty of
13th March - Birling Gap
Spectacular seawatching early from the Gap this morning with 3365 BRENT GEESE moving east in a 3-hour spell, exciting stuff and, according to Richard, the highest ever morning count from here. There wasn't much variety though, it was basically geese and BLACK-HEADED GULLS (at least 877) that were hurrying along in flocks, with hardly any ducks or divers or auks.
10th March - Sovereign Harbour
Rain all day today! In the early morning me and Sean chanced a short trip to the northern section of the harbour where the fabulous long-staying BLACK-THROATED DIVER was there again, giving excellent views (Sean's best photo here for the record).
Made a short stop on the way back at West Rise but gave up quickly as the rain set in - a nice array of DUCKS on the lake, including a lonely-looking GADWALL.
8th March - Birling Gap
Two very different mornings at Birling: yesterday was all go, with a few flocks of BRENT GEESE, interspersed sometimes with SHOVELER, COMMON SCOTER, SHELDUCK and PINTAIL (and a distant flock of those appears above). A fine MEDITERRANEAN GULL went east along with small numbers of COMMON GULLS, and the first migrating SANDWICH TERN of the spring appeared close offshore.
Today, however, the wind was a stiffer easterly, and it was colder and all totally different - not a single goose in sight, and nothing else either apart from this tight group of TEAL going east.
5th March - Sovereign Harbour & Darwell Reservoir
The BLACK-THROATED DIVER which I saw last week has now moved slightly east, to the northern section of Sovereign Harbour, where I managed to find it just after daybreak in the pouring rain. Great views again before it flew off high towards to sea. Another target today was GREATER SCAUP, a bird I haven't seen in over 30 years. 3 of them have been at Darwell Res for a while and so I drove there with Al later in the morning. After a long slog in the rain through the forest, sloshing about along poorly marked tracks, we eventually got to the water's edge where we found the birds swimming about contentedly, half hidden behind an annoying wall of tangled branches.
29th February - Princes Park
Absolutely brilliant views of the reported BLACK-THROATED DIVER this morning down at Princes Park Lake. At one point it was just yards away and could be heard calling, but by the time I'd rushed to the car and back with a sound-recorder it had flown off over the houses towards the nearby sea...drat ! Luckily it returned a little later (it obviously likes the place) and swam around more distantly.
19th February - West Rise
Good birding early doors in spite of the grey, cold and windy weather. Once again a MEDITERRANEAN GULL flew over towards the coast but there were no large gulls gathered out on the lake, where a lonely-looking drake GADWALL was looking on at a small group of WIGEON and POCHARD.
A fine RED KITE battled slowly southwest against the wind, getting briefly harassed by a RAVEN on the way. And just as the first rain shower arrived one of the WATER PIPITS suddenly dropped in close and gave some rare good views.
15 February - Birling Gap & West Rise Marsh
An agreable seawatch with Richard and Laurence early doors but nothing much happening, in spite of a favourable southeasterly blow. Plenty of RED-THROATED DIVERS were flying east though, along with quite a steady stream of COMMON GULLS.
In the early afternoon I made a good decision to try West Rise, which turned out to be quiet and sunny with no wind, and wonderously free of dog-walkers. A couple of WATER PIPITS were flushed, and this lovely CASPIAN GULL was amongst a small gaggle of gulls on the water.
12 February - West Rise Marsh
A nice afternoon stroll around the marsh: it all felt rather spring-like with 3 calling BUZZARDS swirling around together in a blue sky and the first singing CHIFFCHAFF of the year. There was a good array of ducks on the lake including plenty of TEAL and 9 GADWALL, and this SHELDUCK flew off and away from one of the flooded fields.
31st January - West Rise Marsh
This CASPIAN GULL was out on the lake this afternoon.
12th January - West Rise Marsh
An argentatus Herring Gull was out on the water today and
this STONECHAT by the beehives had a silver ring on its right
leg - the second time I've seen this bird there.
4th January - West Rise Marsh
Not a lot of birds about this afternoon but brilliant views of this NOCTULE
hawking around over the flooded fields.